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Elements of a Successful Material and Supply Chain Management Program: Part V: Program Implementation

July 12, 2021

A structured implementation approach is crucial when setting up a supply chain program. Read how to best tackle implementation in Part Five of our series on successful supply chain management.

Part V: Program Implementation

When preparing to complete a build it is vital that the implementation be as structured as possible. There are four distinct objectives for project implementation:

Define the scope of work.

Ensure that all requirements to execute the program are clearly documented and understood.

Build a team of subject matter experts.

To execute a successful implementation, you need an experienced Project Lead that is supported by a group of functional experts that can lead key parts of the implementation. Leverage their experience to develop and execute key tasks that fit into their functional area.

Plan out your implementation.

Engage your subject matter experts. Use their experience to plan appropriate tasks. Be sure to assign clear ownership and define due dates for each task. Consider risk points and make contingency plans.

Ensure clear communication.

During execution, ensure clear communication by having frequent update calls with the project leads. Review current status, what tasks have been completed, and what task are to be completed next. Be sure to keep executive sponsors updated. Establish a cadence of calls with the executives not only to convey progress, but to also obtain key decisions to remove any project roadblocks.

KGPCo has operated successful supply chain and material management programs for over four decades. Our strong supplier relationships, vast inventory and advanced nationwide distribution network means we can deliver when and where our customers need us. Learn more.



Learn More

Part I: Elements of a Successful Material and Supply Chain Management Program: Program Management
Part II: Elements of a Successful Material and Supply Chain Management Program: Catalog Management
Part III: Elements of a Successful Material and Supply Chain Management Program: Procurement
Part IV: Elements of a Successful Material and Supply Chain Management Program: Warehouse Operations
Part V: Elements of a Successful Material and Supply Chain Management Program: Program Implementation
Part VI: Elements of a Successful Material and Supply Chain Management Program: Insourcing vs. Outsourcing Considerations

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